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    This project will give children a chance to get to know the partner European countries, their climates, their cultures... Students will get to know the climate changes of partner countries through experiments, presentations, quizzes, handmade projects,drawings,collages... Experiment tools, experimental protocols and e-learning tools as international results. - they create books, presentations, memos and project anthem ... Students will improve their English, ICT skills and knowledge of their home country and Europe.
The project is aimed at students aged 6-13. In primary schools, it is difficult to educate students between the ages of 6-13 with classical methods - in classrooms, on desks with textbooks, with memorization and explanations. With these methods, we cannot bring a different perspective to the solution of our environmental problems, and we cannot offer solutions. This is why we want to improve our teaching methods in more subjects such as natural sciences, science and foreign languages.



1/ To know their own country and the environmental problems of other European countries well,
2/ Recognizing the places in Europe where the impact of climate change is felt more,
3/ Finding new strategies and ways to explore Experimental Natural Sciences in Europe,
4/ To increase skills in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) and experimental natural sciences,
5/ Improve ICT skills by creating website, quizzes, online competitions, riddles, e-book, presentations, video conferences
6/ To support Art;skills - Artworks, collages on themes, dances, drama,..

"The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."
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